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Learn Cloud Assembly

Part of VMware vRealize Automation

Property Groups

You can quickly add a property group to different vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly designs, which saves the time of adding the same multiple properties one by one. In addition, you have a single place to maintain or modify the set of properties, which ensures their consistent application.

Property Groups List
Property Groups List

here are two types of property groups.

Input property groups gather and apply a consistent set of properties at user request time. Input property groups can include entries for the user to add or select, or they might include read-only values that are needed by the design.

Properties for the user to edit or select can be readable or encrypted. Read-only properties appear on the request form but can’t be edited. If you want read-only values to remain totally hidden, use a constant property group instead.

How to create and use an input property group in vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly

Constant property groups silently apply known properties. In effect, constant property groups are invisible metadata. They provide values to your vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly designs in a way that prevents a requesting user from reading those values or even knowing that they’re present. Examples might include license keys or domain account credentials.

How to create and use a constant property group in vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly

Modifying a property group

Changes to a vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly property group affect every cloud templates that uses it, including ones that might have already been released to the Service Broker catalog.

The property group list and property group editing pages show the number of cloud templates that include the property group. To see which cloud templates would be affected by a change, click the number.

Property Groups Modifying
Property Groups Modifying

Before modifying a property group, make sure that the change is acceptable to everyone who is creating or updating deployments based on the cloud templates listed.

Deleting a property group

Deleting a property group would cause errors in every cloud templates that uses it.

You cannot delete a property group until you manually remove it from all of the cloud templates in which it is included. To remove a property group from a cloud templates , open the cloud templates in the design canvas.

You can learn more about Property Groups in the following Blogs:
ntroducing vRealize Automation Property Groups
vRealize Automation Property Groups Enhancements

Last updated on 2 Jul 2021
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