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Part of VMware vRealize Automation

Network Profiles

A vRealize Automation Cloud network profile describes the behavior of the network to be deployed.

For example, a network might need to be Internet-facing rather than internal-only. Networks and network profiles are cloud-specific. You use networks and network profiles in vRealize Automation Cloud to help define the behavior of network provisioning for your deployments

Network Profiles
Network Profiles

Network profile capability tags are matched with constraint tags in cloud templates to help control network selection. Think of a network profile as a collection of workload-specific network characteristics. A network profile contains specific information for a named cloud account type and region in  vRealize Automation .

Learn more about Network Profiles and their capbilities:

  1. Learn more about network profiles in vRealize Automation Cloud
  2. Network Automation with Cloud Assembly and NSX – part 1
Last updated on 21 Jul 2021
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